ZOYA Gallery Bratislava
Address: Erdody Palace, Venturska 1, Bratislava
Opening hours: Mo-Fri: 10.00-16.00
Description: ZOYA Gallery in Bratislava is situated in the historical centre of the city, in Erdody Palace.
Zoya Gallery Bratislava is focused on Slovak and Czech art of the 20th century.
The Exposition of the gallery includes:
unique paintings made by well-known painters (Ladislav Mednyanszky, Ludovit Csordak, Gustav Mally, Martin Benka, Milos Alexander Bazovsky, Zolo Palugyay, Imrich Weiner – Kral, Cyprian Majernik, Jan Mudroch, Dezider Milly, Ernest Zmetak),
the Kosice Modernism of the twenties and thirties of the 20th century (works of Konstantin Koväri, Konstantin Bauer, Anton Jasusch, Gejza Schiller, Frantisek Foltyn, and Julius Jakoby), Koloman Sokol's paintings, Vincent Hloznik's oil paintings, temperas and sculptures,
the Czech painting (works of Emil Filla, Anton Justitz, Jozef Capek, Jozef Sima, and Antonin Prochazka) and
the Slovak sculpture (works of Jozef Kostka, Rudolf Uher, Tibor Bartfay, Pavol Toth, Jozef Jankovic, Andrej Rudavsky and Juraj Gavala).